Understand Amazon’s ASIN Removal And Best Practices

Amazon’s ASIN Removal And Best Practices

Amazon’s guidelines and policies overwhelm new sellers. They skip reading and follow their instincts on selling their products on Amazon. This mindset lands them in trouble and they receive Amazon ASIN suspension. The suspension can be because of several reasons and even SEO optimization will not fix it. Therefore, it is wise to understand ASIN best practices.

Significance of ASIN

ASIN means Amazon Standard Identification Number. It is a ten-digit alphanumeric code, and Amazon assigns this to each product. It is an exclusive identifier for inventory tracking by Amazon, even if you have your personal inventory control system. ASIN is crucial because products displayed on Amazon’s website and warehouses can be found. It plays a valued role in order fulfillment, especially while picking and shipping. Even customers find it hard to find the precise product without ASIN.

What are the reasons for the ASIN suspension notification from Amazon?

Amazon ASIN suspension scaled

  • Duplicate ASIN creation – Creating ASIN of a new product that already exists in the AMZs catalog.
  • ASIN variation misuse – For example, add child variation under parent product.
  • Forget to mention expiry – Consumable and topical products must have an expiry date, which has to be 105+ days.
  • Inauthentic products – Fake products are classic reasons for ASIN suspension, so sellers need to choose an ideal supplier.
  • Safety concerns – Amazon hates mislabeled products that harm its customers.
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How to unlock an Amazon suspension account?

Amazon suspension account

There are no shortcuts for Amazon ASIN removals or suspensions. You will first need to identify the main cause of the issue. You cannot just send an appeal for reinstating your account or ASIN.

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You can take help from the experienced team at YoungLane Amazon Appeal Services. Below are the steps they take to write the appeal letter for Amazon seller suspension.

  • Amazon doesn’t share the suspension specifics, so the root cause needs to be uncovered.
  • Even if the seller is not guilty, they have to state in the letter that they accept the mistake and will instantly resolve them.
  • Draft an instant remedial action like what can be done at the moment for correcting the error and keep customers happy.
  • Create a preventive long-term solution to avoid this main cause from reoccurring. The solution needs to enhance business practice and Amazon rules compliance needs to be concrete.
  • If Amazon asks to delete the listing or ASIN in question, then do it instantly.

 Best practices for Amazon ASINs

Amazon ASINs

  • Product listing optimization – To ensure there are no duplicates and the product is listed in the appropriate category.
  • Amazon Brand Registry registration – It is an Amazon program that aids the seller control their listing and use AMZ marketing services.
  • Invoice compliance – While ordering inventory ask the supplier for invoices because Amazon needs elements like invoice date, supplier details, buyer’s information, quantities, and unit description. Amazon does not accept commercial invoices, contract documents, delivery reports, order confirmations, or purchasing lists.
  • Monitor customer reviews – Negative reviews can be the root cause of account suspension, so make sure to address customer dissatisfaction ASAP before Amazon finds it first.
  • No fake product sales – Sometimes manufacturers are the problem creators. Your part is not to feel tempted by the low prices. Always give importance to quality and not easy revenue.
  • Account health monitoring – Always check the Account Health page to ensure that compliance and performance are according to Amazon’s policies.
See also  Step by Step Guide for Sellers to Appeal Amazon Suspended Account

Understand and always follow Amazon’s Terms of Services. Amazon even changes its rules or adds a new one, so keep yourself updated following Amazon news.

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